Wednesday, November 01, 2006

The Monologues (Other things)

In the passion of point A., I forgot or passed by other stuff that came up in the meetings.

Also, since I forsee many posts on this theme, so I'm going to give them separate titles in brackets. Hah. So there, to all those who call me disorganized.

We talked a lot. Her talking had opened up parts of us that prefer seclusion. I'm the reticent one. I talk a lot, but little that really reveals much about me. Maybe thats why writing is such a big part of who I am. While I talk here far more than usual, the general percentage is low. And I guess I also did the same here. But I winced, and felt..and generally, experienced, in a way I never have. The shocking revelation that so many women had faced abuse in their daily lives that my sheltered existence had relegated to "the unfortunate"..

And we talked of healing. One of us has worked extensively with women's groups, another with spirituality that prescribes massage..etc.. I wondered for a moment whether I fit into the conversation. And wonderfully enough, I did. For the first time in my life, I felt a kinship with my own sex. Beyond femininity.

We talked about our appearances. How one gets the silly bimbette roles and the other is constantly forced to be the mother/sister/maid..The occasional director who gratified us with vision was duly showered with praise..

Feeling fat in the mornings..feeling far too skinny every day..Sexy, bitchy, guilty, diabetic, depressed, beautiful, rotten..

I have to be careful or I'll end up on Oprah.

But its true. We, with our crazy mix of all types and stereotypes, represent all women.

I'm loving it.


nothing said...

and wouldn't you love ending up on oprah? I'm thinking of all the afternoons I've been made to suffer her. Of course, the food mostly made up for it [:D]

therapy said...

She's quite cool you know..

I just also think she can be annoying.

stop by more oftens. ciao.

Rae said...

god bless you for saying something i've been trying to put my finger on for some time now.. and how you've said it, HOW!

therapy said...

thank you rae..
its one of those finger tingling moments of inspiration..