Saturday, March 08, 2008

Lola undercover...

I’m on a long-ish flight. The kind I’m usually bored intensely by, and the kind that usually has a very victimized Mother and her indignant Baby on board. The kind I’m constantly looking for anything to entertain my self with. Today, however, is behaving itself. On the way to the airport, I kept thinking highly focused thoughts, all of which I hope to swing speedily into action as soon as I land. I was booked on one of the only 2.5 decent airlines in the country (I have turned into validly bitter snob refusing anything else after much misery aboard the rest, I assure you). No rush at the airport, the latte guy didn’t screw up, boarding happened pretty much on time. Then we hung around the tarmac for an hour politely indulging all aircraft traffic ahead but I still managed to amuse myself with my extra special James Brown and usual fantasies of a yogic bodied self performing to his tunes. It’s still reasonably early in the morning, we’ve taken off, and breakfast was a pretty good bite. I have yet to fulfill my fantasy of meeting someone really interesting next to me on a flight (Not 3 aisles down, thanks very much) and having a fabulous resulting time. However, centre seat is empty and gentleman in aisle seat is not earnestly striking up conversation or reading my screen over my shoulder. Instead he is wearing fancy headgear obviously designed to facilitate some serious shut eye. Also, on my way back from the loo, nice steward (or is it air host?) with charming smile and twinkling manner, asked if I wanted to help him in the kitchen. A little sunshine with that coffee and I think it’s going to be a good day.

These days, a good day is a great day. Baby steps. Kid gloves.

I’m going to be blogging a lot more regularly. And I think everyone should. Especially those of you that I read often. Now that I’ve told you what to do, Zen, Rae, Sourapple, Hari etc etc, tell me to go take a hike. Which I’m doing soon by the way. A real one. With fellow adventurers, all highly superior in their survival abilities.

Sunshine is back, offering me candies before landing. Pity I’m picky. About sweet things. Sigh.

Jam was catching up on some reading. I don’t blame her, my Vogue covers are delicious. As for the snazzy Santa shot above, I was being forced into ho hoing for the birdy, in one of Bombay’s disco autos.

Soon I will be buying my first, probably tiny car. And praying while I relearn the math of driving. Driving in Bombay city. Stop laughing. Now.


Woman?? said...

Cheers on the sunshine you yogic-bodied fabulous person, you!

therapy said...

Not yet. Dreams to someday be so.

Monolith... said...

i was going to comment on the "yogic bodied" bit....but I think that I shall not.

What exactly did the "nice steward with charming smile and twinkling manner" want help with in the kitchen (or galley as I think it is commonly called on flights)?? ;)

therapy said...

I think he was deciding what was on my menu Mono. Wink wink.

I will be yogic okay.. SOON. So there. But we'll still eat lots and lots of glorious food.

Sine Qua Non said...

1. My yogic bodied fantasy self is pole dancing herself crazy these days.

2. Ooh cute steward! I once went on a flight where the cute steward had a hickey on his neck at the end of the flight which was so not there when we took off. I was vicariously thrilled.

3.That Jam na...(incoherent gushing noises)

aria said...

"I have yet to fulfill my fantasy of meeting someone really interesting next to me on a flight"

That once used to be my fantasy, likewise.. however I've given up on that as I usually end up with the most repulsive kinds .. and yes I do hope you can keep up with the resolution of blogging regularly ..
cute pics at the bottom .. :)

Estella said...

(tries not to snigger at the words 'yogic-bodied self')

Will steal Jam One Fine Day.