Monday, October 30, 2006


Roysten Abel's Flowers is the best piece of theatre I have ever had the privilege of watching. I say that with a curious amount of satisfaction. Probably because I"ve watched most of what goes on in India. And a small amount of foreign plays.And this man, from Kerala, is my new idol.

Writer Karnad's latest has a priest' almost divine and uncontrollable passion for the phallic representation of Lord Shiva versus his newfound, bewildering intoxication for a courtesan. It is a, well, nice story with a lot of potential. Some lovely lines in there, is what most of us would have said after a read.What we wouldn't have forseen is a brilliant director combining forces with an uncomparable actor, and creating a resonationg monologue that had little more than the sound of breathing in the auditorium.

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