Friday, April 09, 2010


You whisper hard into my angular bent ears,
forever the delicious little gossip
You breathe in me lustily, claiming tomorrows,
you are always falling right out of pocket.

Untangle my ears, release my white toes.
You free me of every one of my whims.
Unshine my boots and muddy my green heart.
I will love you till the end of sin.

Kiss me again to the music of whores...
teach me how to count with my heart.
Make movies of my dirtiest fantasies and faiths...
Show me what what it really means to be apart

I'll promise you my freedoms and unmend my sexy ways
I'll forget each story from into its middle.
Three coins, a stamp and a fridge magnet for my time.
I'll remember to relearn every riddle.


aria said...

"Unshine my boots and muddy my green heart.
I will love you till the end of sin."

amazing lines those..
I really admire the way you write.. its great to read you after such a long time.. please keep writing..

A. said...

Intense, in verse and inundated with meaning.
How very you.