Thursday, April 15, 2010


Its crazy how hard forgiveness can be
It's crazy how much you are worth
Feel me up underneath my raw skin
Make me remember that you are the earth.

Understand my existance, undermine my warts
Walk with the fears in my handles.
Feel me and thrill me and play me by sleep
Brown babies of sweet ripened candour

Love is a many spendoured angry white beast
The quick fuck is our one horned shy wonder
Please tell me that story, the one with the deed,
the fences, the fancies down under.

Slice me a moon, and pour me your wines,
lets dividend your return from our share.
Silent night, anxious breath and freedom in the air,
I love you through each word and each stare.


aria said...

Lovely .. esp loved the images that the last para evoke..
keep writing ..

Unknown said...

If i weren't borderline straight, i'd have got you a box of dark chocolate.

Damn. Where you been?

therapy said...

I'm here to stay for now:) Thanks, you guys.

Russell CJ Duffy said...

So many talented people in this world seem to come from India. Your star and your countries seem to be in the ascent. Great words by the way.


Sine Qua Non said...

I love you through each word and each stare - is hauntingly lovely. I am humbled and inspired by you:)